dynamic website development services

Static vs. Dynamic Website: Explaining Key Differences and Uses

Business is all about impression and websites are the first and everlasting impression on the Target Audience. However, initially having a static website was more than enough, in the present day scenario when the society is dynamic, dynamic websites are preferable too. This blog offers a detailed comparison between Static vs. dynamic Websites based on meaning, pros, cons, examples, and uses. 

Reading this blog will help you identify the key difference between a static and a dynamic website. Consequently, you will be able to choose the right type of dynamic website development services for your business. So, let’s scroll down and find out which you must go for in 2024-static or a dynamic website!

Static Vs. Dynamic Website Development Services

Before choosing between static and dynamic websites, it is important to first understand the meaning of both with examples. So, understand the difference thoroughly and apply it while communicating requirements to the custom website development services

Static Websites

A static website is an old-style website which neither has any interactive features on it nor it is adaptable as per the user. Simply put, this website remains the same in design and content everywhere for everyone. Some popular static Website Examples include-

  • Portfolio Website
  • Personal Blog Sites

In all the above examples, you will observe that there are negligible website animations or Call to Action (CTA) buttons that offer any function such as ‘Call Us’, ‘Send Query’, ‘Sort’, ‘Filter’ etc. 

Dynamic Websites

On the contrary, a dynamic website is highly functional and navigational. It adapts and changes as per the visitor automatically. Say, for example, adapting to the screen size, turning on or off the dark mode, adapting to the regional language of the visitor etc. Some popular dynamic website examples include-

  • eCommerce Websites: Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, eBay etc
  • Social Media Sites: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.
  • Entertainment Platforms: Netflix, Disney Hotstar etc

All the above websites offer highly navigational User Interfaces, and multiple action buttons such as ‘share’, ‘like’, ‘download’, ‘watch online’, ‘sort’, ‘filter’, and what not. 

So, simply put, a static website does not allow the user to interact or alter any content on it. Rather it focuses more on presenting information to the visitor. However, a dynamic website helps a reader interact with the business owner or command the website to perform actions that they want to see. 

Now let us understand in detail how to make a website dynamic with special reference to some front-end (client-side features). 

Features that Make a Website Dynamic and Better Than a Static Website 

A dynamic website is highly functional and robustly navigational in User Interface and User Experience design. When you opt for website development services, it is important to have a clear understanding of Static vs. dynamic Websites, so that a cunning company or developer cannot fool you.  

Here are some features that make a dynamic website more user-friendly as compared to a static website.

  1. Responsive Website Design 

Highly responsive websites are a basic necessity in the present-day world full of different types of smart devices with different screen sizes and device memory. A static website built for a particular device is no longer in fashion. Rather, a dynamic website that quickly adapts its font sizes, image sizes, CTA buttons, and all-over dimensions as per the screen and device size is the only option in the present-day scenario. 

A website development service provider today offers only responsive website design whenever a client visits him. Always remember that a responsive website is a must-have feature on a business website today. In fact, with the recent evolution of foldable screen devices, having a responsive website has become even more important. Eventually, choose website design & development services that provide responsive website designs. 

  1. Interactive Elements: Calling, Emailing, Scheduling

Next in line, a dynamic website has interactive elements such as CTA buttons that allow calls, emailing, scheduling a meet-up and more. As we already know a website is the primary marketing tool for every business.

In the case of a static website, there is no CTA button or means to connect with the business. The visitor has to note down the number and dial manually. This enhances the chances of not receiving a call and losing the business lead. Therefore, small or big, every business needs a website development services company that is proficient in designing highly interactive elements for your dynamic website.

  1. Social Media Plugins 

Google Crawler loves fresh content and websites that are updated regularly! A static website has no scope of getting updated frequently. On the contrary, on a dynamic website, the website development services provider offers Social Media Plugins. Here by social media plugins, we do not mean the share buttons only. 

Rather, on certain websites you will see that when a company tweets something new, the same tweets also show up on the company website. It keeps the website active and updated while also making it visually attractive. Social Media Plugin is a great dynamic website feature that differentiates a dynamic website from a static one. 

So ask the website development company to design attractive walls and sliders on your dynamic web page that displays all your Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, or LinkedIn feeds! 

  1. Personalized Recommendations 

This dynamic website feature is specially for an eCommerce website. eCommerce is the only business that can’t go with a static website at any cost. Now and then, they have to update new inventory, trends, sales, and many other pieces of information on their website. Therefore, eCommerce Website Development Services simply implies dynamic website development services. 

However, to make an eCommerce site more dynamic, it is important to use AI-driven personalized recommendation features. Based on the visitor’s personal information and browsing history, the eCommerce website must be able to offer personalized product recommendations. It keeps the visitor hooked to your eCommerce platform and you earn more revenues without losing the customers. 

  1. Linguistic Adaptability 

When your Target Audience is global, having a website only in ‘English’ is not a good choice. One of the leading dynamic website features is ‘linguistic adaptability’. A website that quickly adapts to the regional language of the visitor is also a demanded feature these days. 

However, English is the global language, yet Google keeps on emphasizing making the web more and more user-friendly. Google translator and language selection are the evidence that proves Google likes content in regional languages. 

Therefore, choose a dynamic website design with linguistic adaptability over a static web page. This improves the local SEO of your website, unlocks a better reach, and engages the niche Target Audience. 

  1. Dark Mode and Light Mode Adaptability 

Another popular dynamic website feature that helps it stand out among normal static websites is mode adaptability. Dark Mode and Light Mode are popular features in smart devices these days. However, in the absence of the same efforts from the web development industry, this mode of adaptability is incomplete.

What is the use of a dark theme if a website does not adapt to it automatically based on the time of the visitor? The device might become user-friendly by putting less strain on the eyes with a dark mode. But what if a user browses the web and a website fails to demonstrate these smart features?

In such a case, switching frequently between the dark and light would rather harm the eyes of the user making him/her leave your website. 

  1. Animations 

Animations add visual spice to a static website and make it dynamic. Websites with a moderate amount of animations always leave an everlasting impression on the visitor. We human beings are visual creatures and we remember what captivates our eyes. So, use beautiful animations such as blinking and gliding texts, floating cursors, scrolling effects, and more to make a dynamic website that outshines the competition. 

A dynamic website is always better than a static website as animation effects help the visitor remember the website for a longer period. Moreover, sometimes the user might return to your dynamic website time and again to see the animation effects. That’s the power of dynamic websites. 

  1. Sort & Filtering Options 

Again, this dynamic website feature specifically belongs to eCommerce websites. However, on Blog Posting Websites, Social Media Sites, Dating and Matrimonial Sites, and any other website that offers a wide ‘range’ of particular products and services, comprehensive sorting and filtering options are very important. It enhances the navigational experience and elevates the user interface of the website. So utilise the features of a dynamic website and take advantage of the competitive edge. 

  1. Voice-Commands 

Making the website more user-friendly with voice command features is also a popular technique for designing dynamic websites. Voice commands and voice search features make a website design universally accessible. On the contrary, if you choose to opt for a static website, it offers no voice search functions. Eventually, a dynamic website paves way to reach a wider target audience. 

  1. Text-to-Speech

Just like voice commands, the Text-to-Speech feature also elevates the user experience and helps the visually impaired audience. This feature also makes a website dynamic and compatible with the latest environment. However, a static website on the contrary shows negligible user-friendliness, creativity, and universal design. 

Dynamic Vs Static Websites: Pros & Cons 

So, we have differentiated between a Dynamic website and a Static Website in the context of their features. Now, when it comes to choosing between the two for your business, it is alluring to choose dynamic design. However, sometimes your budget might not allow you to go for dynamic website design. So, let us discuss the pros and cons of both Static and Dynamic Websites:

Static Website Development Services


  • Quick Development
  • Easy Development Process
  • Fast Loading due to small sizes
  • Straight-Forward Design
  • The focus remains only on the content 
  • No distractions from animations
  • Easily available static web design templates


  • Not a competitive practice anymore
  • Does no longer impress the client
  • Requires great quality of content to keep the audience hooked
  • Not suitable for eCommerce, Media, Healthcare, and other big business industries

Dynamic Website Development Services


  • Highly Competitive Designs
  • Universal website design
  • Interactive UI/UX design
  • Long-lasting impression on the visitor
  • User-Friendliness
  • Locally SEO-Optimized
  • More customer retention
  • The only option for a couple of business industries


  • Expensive website development services
  • Requires only top-notch website developers
  • Takes more device memory
  • Loading time may be more

Static or Dynamic Web Page: Which is Best for My Business?

Now, if you are still confused about whether to choose a Static or a Dynamic web design for your business, follow the tips given below-

  • If you are a new and small business such as a shop, then you can choose a static website design over a dynamic one. Any small business website development services can help you get a static website on a small budget. 
  • If your business is mainly focused on ‘selling’ some particular types of products, then a static website with your ‘product descriptions’, ‘about us’, and ‘contact us’ details is more than enough.
  • Say, for example, a manufacturing business can have a static website that defines its product list. 
  • However, if you are comparatively a larger business, a unique startup, or a big industry business, then dynamic website designs are suitable for you. 
  • Especially, if you are in the Healthcare, Real Estate, EdTech, Fashion, and E-Commerce industries, then dynamic websites are the only option.
  • If your budget is very much restricted, then static website design can be an option.
  • However, today, the availability of even dynamic website templates can help you find a budget-friendly dynamic website design.
  • But, always remember that a static website can not be a permanent stepney. There are many must-have features in website development these days. Such as responsive designs, linguistic adaptability, and Interactive CTAs. 
  • Therefore, positively, you must opt for a dynamic website rather than a static one. 

Final Thoughts

So, these are the key differences between a static website and a dynamic one. However, static websites are already outdated and rare in the digital realm these days, still, some small businesses choose them when they have budget restrictions. Moreover, the present time is already ruled by dynamic website development services with responsiveness, voice commands, interactive elements, and linguistic versatility with universal designs are the only future of the web development industry. 

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