Best Way to Start Money Remittance, AEPS Service Along with Multi Recharge Software

money remittance, aeps, multi recharge
money remittance, aeps, multi recharge

Today here I am with an amazing business startup opportunity for you. You can start this business at a low investment and without any technical back group. Here we will discuss which is the best way to start money remittance, AEPS services along with multi recharge software? So keep tuning with me till the end if you don’t want to miss this wonderful business startup opportunity.

New Year has started and if you are planning to start your own business then this can be a great business startup opportunity for you. But before starting a discussion about the business opportunity, here we talk about what you must do before starting any business. Basically nowadays, most people, start a business without deep studies and these results failed in business. So you must do the study before starting any business, second which is most important is support. You need support especially when you are a startup, so you must choose a company that provides the best support for your business services.

So first here we will discuss all the services, then we will talk that how can you start the business. So without wasting time, I come to point.

What is Money Remittance?

Money remittance is the transfer of money from one bank account to another bank account. We all now money transfer is a very common service now a day and comes in use in daily life. People who live away from home for a job, need money transfer to send money to home. Incorporate to pay goods and service bills, to pay salaries, they need money transfer. In short, we can say, money transfer is a very important service now a day. The importance of this service, borns with new business opportunities. You can start your own money remittance business using money transfer software.

Benefits of Money Remittance Business for Customers

There are many benefits of money remittance business which are following-

  • People can directly send money to an individual account which reduces the rate of corruption
  • It is a fast, safe and secure process of money transfer
  • Money transfer business offers the easiest way to transfer money
  • Money can be a transfer at a low charge which is known as Surcharge
  • We don’t have to visit banks of ATM, we can transfer money by visiting nearby money transfer software
  • You can transfer money easily either domestic or international but here we will only talk about domestic money transfer software
  • We have to provide beneficiary account number, name and linked mobile number
  • No need to remember PIN or Password

What is AEPS Service?

AEPS stands for the Aadhaar enabled payment system. AEPS service allows bank customers to use all basic banking activities by using individuals Aadhaar card number and fingerprint authentication. To use AEPS service customer’s bank account must be linked with Aadhaar card. There are ample of places where banks are unable to reach. AEPS service facilitates and connects these entire places to banks and offer the facility to use banking service.

Get a complete overview of AEPS.

Which Services Customers can Use Using AEPS?

  • Cash Deposit
  • Fund Transfer
  • Balance Enquiry
  • Cash Withdrawal

These all are the services that customers can use with the help of the AEPS service. This is the most trending service now a day. You can start your own AEPS business by using AEPS software. There are many AEPS service provider company in India which offers software for AEPS business.

What is Multi Recharge Software?

Multi recharge software is a comprehensive online software solution which offers online mobile recharge services along with all online bill payment. By using multi recharge software, you can pay all bill payments along with mobile recharges of all the operators. This is one of the best software solutions which provide multi-services.

Multi Recharge Software Services for Customers

  • Prepaid Mobile Recharge
  • Postpaid Mobile Recharge
  • Landline Mobile Recharge
  • DTH Recharge
  • Data Card Recharge
  • Electricity Bill Payment
  • Water Bill Payment
  • Gas Bill Payment

So these are the services that you can use using multi recharge software. You can start your own online recharge business using advnaced mobile recharge software.

So here we discuss all the services. Now you know about all the services and its uses for customers. But you have to buy different software to start these services which are very costly.

But don’t worry, today I am here to solve your problem. Now you can start your own business at low investment and can offer all the services using a single software.

Offer All the Services Using Single B2B Portal

Ezulix software is the best software development company in Jaipur. Our skilled and experienced professional team developed an advanced b2b portal. Now you can offer multi-services using a single portal, which is an easier and cost-effective model. We provide you stander b2b portal for your business. Our new portal is based on the latest technology and fulfills all the requirements of your business. You can handle all the services at the same place using this portal.

Features of Ezulix B2B Portal

  • It is fast, safe and secure
  • Based on the latest technology
  • Easy to use
  • User-friendly and SEO friendly
  • The customized design which attracts more customers
  • Easy navigation
  • Compatible for all the devices
  • You can add-on multi-services using API integration
  • You can create unlimited members
  • Single wallet for all the services
  • Real-time settlement for AEPS
  • Lowest surcharge for money transfer
  • 100% success ratio
  • Secure payment gateway
  • Mobile application integrated with b2b portal
  • Easy management using CRM
  • Best customer support
  • Best commission in the market

So these are some features which make it more favorable in the market.

How to Start Business with Ezulix B2B Portal?

So If you are planning to start your own b2b portal with multiple services, you can start your own brand business with Ezulix and can make it a handsome source of Income.

To start a business with Ezulix, you have to apply for a free live demo. Our executives contact you and provide you a free manual live demo so that you can understand about portal and business. This helps you to understand and use it at an optimum level.

You start work with us as admin and you can create unlimited members as-

  • Master Distributor
  • Distributor
  • Retailer

We provide you complete portal integrated with all your desired services. You can manage all the services using a single portal. You can set the commission of your members as per your choice. Although we provide you a stander portal (not a white label portal), this is fully customized. You can change everything which you want to boost your business.

Along with this, we provide you mobile application, Integrated with the b2b portal. You can upload this mobile app in the Play Store, which helps t boost your business sales and brand awareness of your business. We provide you lifetime free customer support services. You can contact anytime to our support team to solve your queries.


So I am wrapping up this article now. Here we discuss all the services, how can you offer all the services using single portal, which company offers best b2b portal for your business and at last how can you start your own b2b portal.

I hope this article will help you to start your own business. If still, you have any queries, you can directly contact our executives and can apply for a free live demo.

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