HR and Payroll Software for Small Business

Best HR and Payroll Software for Small Business in India

HR and Payroll Software for Small Business
HR and Pyaroll Software

HR and Payroll software is very beneficial for all small and medium businesses. We are living in the 21st century where technology is ruling all sectors of society. Not only in all sectors but also all aspects of our life like shopping, food, banking, sports, and no doubt businesses.

If I go through states, more than 40% of jobs belong to SMEs. Today small and medium enterprises are supporting a big part of our economy as well as GDP.

So it must be more necessary to make this sector of business more efficient and productive. HRM software allows organizations to manage their employees in a systematic way while payroll takes care of their salary management.

So In this article, we will discuss the role of HR and payroll software in small and medium type enterprises. Along with this, we will go through key features of online HR and payroll software and which is the best HR software in India.

So without wasting time, I come to the point.

What is HR and Payroll Software?

HR and Payroll software is an online solution that helps HR department to manage employees in a systematic way. It includes everything about employee management like employee details, attendance management, leave management, salary management, task management, and payroll management.

In short we can say this is a one-stop solution for all HR activities. Managing employees, their details, documents, their salaries, deductions are retail hectic work for humans.

HR and payroll software manage all activities in a systematic way with 100% accuracy and help to boost the productivity of the organization.

What are the Benefits of HR and Payroll Software in Small Business?

There are few points that will help you to understand the importance of HR and payroll software in small businesses.

  • HRM software allows to manage all employees details, personal details, documents in a safe way
  • No matter in which branch employee work, admin can check all details at one place
  • HRM software allows an easy and hustle-free attendance management
  • Automatic salary management of all employee at the end of month
  • Assigning task, task report and task status becomes easy
  • Last but not the least managing leave requests of employee is transparent and easy process

So these are all the activities that become very easy and fast by using HR and payroll software. Not only it save time but also helps to boost your organization growth.

Not only the big organizations but also small businesses are using HRM software to boost their productivity and efficiency.

Fully Automatic, User-Friendly, & Productive Online HR Software in India

Idea behind the HRM software is to boost organization productivity, system, and most importantly payroll.

Human resource management software is most probably linked with HR department because they directly deal with humans.

So this is question make a huge sense that which HRM software is best for your business?

There are a number of companies in India that has developed their own HRMS and claim that they have best features.

I don’t have any argument on this question.

But I have my own points that prove that Ezulix HR and Payroll software provides you the best value for your money.

Ezulix software is well-known custom software & mobile app development company in India over the last few years. We have a huge team of professionals who are experts in developing custom business solutions that fulfil all aspects of market demands.

Our team always be updated with market trends and works on innovative technology to provide you best solution in the market. We always do market research to understand market trends, clients demand, business demand so that we can develop the desired solutions that helps your business to grow.

We provide you HRMS software in both web & app versions. Our solution is fully customizable, user-friendly, SEO-friendly, easy navigations, fully automatic, accurate, fast and reliable for any business.

Key-Features of HRM Software That Transform Your Organization

In this section, I will give you complete theoretical knowledge of our HRM software so that you can understand its key features and functions.

For teaching purposes, we will understand our software in to 2 parts. The first one is masters and another one for functions.

Don’t worry, at the end, you won’t have any doubts because I am very good in explaining.

First comes on masters. In this part, admin or HR manager can set all the settings of organizations.

Here we have 3 points that you have to set before starting work on HRMS. We can say there are 3 types of setting that you have to fix before jumping on the functioning part. OK.

General Setting

In the general setting, we can fix all the following details.

  • Location– We can set all locations in which we have our organization/offices
  • Designation – Here we can fix all available designations in organization
  • Roles – Here you can set all roles of people who are using this software
  • Work Shift – In this setting you can fix all available work shifts in company
  • Email – Here you can fix email through which you want to send mails to employees

So you can make all about changes by using general settings.

Attendance Setting

Here we will discuss all required settings for attendance.

  • Leave Types – Here you can fix which types of leaves you want to add in your software like PL, CL, SL
  • Holidays – Here you can changes all settings regarding holidays, week offs
  • Time Rules – This is for all time rules regarding settings

So here you can make all changes regarding attendances and its rules that basically changed with every organization. Some organizations work on 5 day week than few other work whole week except Sunday.

Salary Settings

Here we will set all rules regarding salaries of employees.

  • Salary Component – In this section admin can set all types of salaries like basic salary, gross salary, incentives etc.
  • ESI Setting– Here you can fix all rules regarding ESI setting
  • PF – Fix all rules for PF here
  • Deduction Setting – All settings regarding employee salary deduction takes place here

So these are master’s part of our software that is completely dynamic. As an admin, you can make all settings here regarding to your software and company.

In simple language, all the settings that you are fixing in master’s will reflect in your software functionality.

Although all the organizations have their own rules and regulations, that’s why we have developed this software solution fully customizable so that the admin can make any changes based on your business needs.

Now we can jump on the functionality part.

So first here we go on the top on the Dashboard. Here we have a complete overview of the software. In the dashboard, we have few details that you can check live. Here we have a graphical representation of reports in a very systematic way that makes you very easy to understand.

Let’s come on second functionality that is Employee.

  • Employee Function

In this employee function, HR can add all employees, their complete details, their personal details, documents, parents details for ESI purposes, employees can also check salary status and salary reports etc.

In short, Here HR have all complete data about an employee from the day when he/she started to present day everything.

As an admin If you have 10 branches all over India, and you want to check about any employee details and performance, you just have to type name and tap on entering, that’s it.

  • Payroll Function

Calculating and generating salaries of employees is really a hectic task for HRs. If I am not wrong this is the only task that any HR don’t want to do.

But w have best payroll system in India that help you to do this task as easy as preparing coffee for you.

You just have to set all the settings in masters and all set. Here you can generate the salaries of your employee just in minutes.

Along with this, you can check salary summaries, salary status of any employee that salary is proceeded of not. Here you can generate the salary slip of any employee for months or years using a filter and at last, here we have salary mail history where you can check all employee salary status.

Here we have a complete payroll function that fulfils all requirements of any kind of business needs.

  • Task Management

Managing task report for managers is very important. In this section, we will discuss how managers and admin can manage all task reports of employees in an easy manner.

In this task management function, managers can assign tasks to a team, employees can also assign tasks to other employees.

All compete task reports can be check by admin, HR and managers. They can also check task progress either task pending, in progress or complete.

An employee can change task status based on the task process. After completing or at time of task assigning notification alert is ON.

So it is very easy to manage all tasks.

Admin or owner can check all tasks based on department and branch by sitting at home also. So this section makes your complete task management as easy as opening your Car’s gate.

  • Attendance Function

In this attendance function, you can check all details regarding employee’s attendance. Here we have multiple functional reports regarding employees attendance that you can also check on the dashboard.

Here you have complete reporting of employee attendance, you can check employee present percentage for a specific day. In which month employees take more leaves etc.

Along with this, in punch time you can check all employee punch-in and punch-out details. You can check employees complete working hours based on day, week or month that help you to make their salary based on timing rules. Our HRMS system is fully automatic and consider all applied rules at the time of salary generation.

For work from the home case, an employee can punch using the mobile application but for this employee has to inform and after admin permission, they can punch remotely.

In short, this is a completely automatic and accurate attendance function that makes you free to attendance management. You can check any employee presence in the company by searching on his/her name.

  • Leave Request

 This is the last but not the least, leave request. In this function, the admin can check all upcoming leave requests.

Admin, HRs and reporting managers can check this section and can approve or rejects employee leave requests.

Along with this, HR can decide that which leave should be allowed for the employee. If anyone rejects the request, he can also give the remark.

So complete leave management proceed here. An employee can also check leave status in profile.

So these are complete functionalities in our HRM software that can help you to easily organize and manage your employees in a very systematic way.


So here we gone through the complete settings and functions of Ezulix HR software. Along with the web, we also provide you mobile application of HRM software for employees side functions.

Today most of the successful organizations are using HRMS to save time and boost productivity.

As a small business, it becomes very essential to use their time into productivity stuff that you can by saving your time in daily routine works by using business solutions.

Here we have a dedicated support team that will help you to solve all your queries regarding HRMS. You can also apply for a free live demo of our HRMS.

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