aeps service

AEPS Service – Overview of Aadhaar Enabled Payment System

aeps service

The AEPS services were introduced in India by the National payment corporation of India (NPCI) to provide a secure and convenient method to make financial transactions using an Aadhaar number and biometric authentications. The utilization of a 12-digit unique identification number allows users, especially in rural areas to access bank services without any physical documents. The total network of banking agents acts between banks and customers. Basic banking services can be accessed in remote areas through AEPS service.

The transactions which are included cash withdrawals, cash deposits, fund transfers, bank inquiries, and Aadhaar-to-Aadhaar payments. The banking agents operate with handheld devices MicroATMs to perform transactions.

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Introduction to AEPS: Understanding the Aadhaar Enabled Payment System

AEPS has turned financial inclusion to remote area people in India, to promote digital transactions with authentications. AEPS services aim to provide authentic and easy means of transactions, which are biometrics managed by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Details of Aadhaar are linked with users’ details, including biometric and demographic information.

The rural and remote areas people get facilitate financial transactions with their Aadhaar card numbers. AEPS system enables convenient modes of transactions. It stamps out the need for physical documents, signatures, and PINs, for remote area people. The term AEPS conducts authentic biometric and Aadhaar links banking transactions like balance inquiries, fund transfers, cash withdrawals, and account-to-account payments.SHG group of women can carry out AEPS cash withdrawals from their village itself. It saves time and makes them independent to carry out their growth. It creates an independent path for their success.

How AEPS Works: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Payment Process

AEPS provides a simple and authentic payment process, Here are some easy steps to process payment:

  • Aadhaar number enrolment

By visiting the Aadhaar enrolment center, an individual can enroll for an Aadhaar number. 12 digit Aadhaar number will be received by an individual after providing biometric and demographic information. 

  • Link Bank Account

Connect bank account with Aadhaar number. To link your account with your Aadhaar number individual need to visit a branch of a bank or with online methods.

  • AEPS service provider

Individuals need to locate an authorized AEPS service center or Micro ATM  for transactions.

  • Initiation of transaction

AEPS service provider links the Aadhaar number for the transaction. Individuals should select the type of transaction like cash withdrawal, balance inquiry, bank statement, or account transfer.

  • Biometric authentication

Biometric authentication usually takes fingerprints, or scanning of the iris which is captured using a scanner of a Micro ATM service. Biometric data is sent to UIDAI database authentication.

  • Transaction

After authentication, the AEPS service initiates the request for a transaction. According to the individual request.

  • Confirmation

Details of the transaction with receipt can be received to conduct the authentic transfer or withdrawal of the amount.

Benefits of AEPS: Exploring the Advantages for Businesses and Individuals

Benefits of AEPS for Businesses

Micro ATMs are used for transactions that are cost-effective for businesses as they eliminate the need for physical infrastructure like to set bank ATMs or branches. It enables the least cost with many customer reach strategies. Under AEPS traditional banking facilities turn out to be in advanced financial structure. Small-scale businesses turn out to be fruitful with authentic and secure implementation. Businesses can be expanded from rural areas markets to big economic developed. It streamlines payment transactions with no risk and improves the efficiency of work. Aadhaar-enabled payment system reduces manual processing and provides a digital solution to banking in remote areas. It efficiently manages cash flow and monitors transactions. It provides great security in the transaction as compared to the traditional old method of banking.

Benefits of AEPS for Individual

AEPS offers financial inclusion to individuals to perform financial transactions such as cash withdrawals, balance inquiries, and fund transfers with Aadhaar credentials, to enhance their financial security. In remote areas traditional change to digital method of UIDAI. It provides easy accessibility and convenient to perform transactions. AEPS reduces dependency on cash transactions, which risk of storing and carrying cash. Aadhar card money withdrawal checks their account details and transfers money instantly, to provide immediate access to their financial report. It reduces the risk of unauthorized access to money. It provides a high level of security and minimizes manual processing.

Completely, AEPS benefits businesses by expanding customers, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. It benefits by offering convenience and accessibility.

AEPS Service Providers: Key Players in the Aadhaar-Enabled Payment Ecosystem

The key players in the Aadhaar enabled stakeholders to the growth with the effectiveness, and security of AEPS processing, completely driving financial inclusion and transaction of money. It makes an accessible and inclusive payment system for the growth and development of individuals and AEPS businesses. Here are some key players :

  • Unique Identification Authority of India(UIDAI)

Government agency provides unique Adhaar number and details database. It develops the necessary infrastructure with biometric authentication and verifies the details of an individual.

  • Bank

All types of banking sectors public and private are included with AEPS services.

They link the Aadhaar numbers to bank accounts and provide AEPS services to their customer. Banks set partnerships with AEPS service providers and provide transactions with Micro ATMs.

  • AEPS Service Providers

They proceed as technology service providers. They operate with enable banks and payment banks by Micro ATM devices, biometric scanners, and developed software for transactions.

  • User or  individual

Aadhaar number holders can easily link with the account number. They can participate in AEPS transactions. Services like AEPS balance inquiry cash withdrawals, balance inquiries, fund transfers, and account-to-account transfers can be operated by the user.

AEPS vs. Other Payment Systems: A Comparative Analysis

AEPS provides basic banking services to persons in remote areas, those who don’t have internet access or any physical cards. Other payment options like UPI, mobile wallet, and online banking needs technology with AEPS software.


It allows users to access accounts, and perform all transactions but accessing without an internet platform it cannot be possible for users to operate the financial system. So AEPS remove the hurdle of internet connectivity for financial transaction.

  • UPI (Unified Payment Interface)

Real-time payment systems enable users to transfer funds instantly. Bank accounts linked with a smartphone or internet connection give easy access. It offers many benefits like merchant payment, individual-to-individual transfers, and payment of bills. UPI requires biometric authentication or PIN. AEPS commission offers instant services but without the internet, it completely helps in remote areas.

  • Credit/Debit Cards

Card payment is a widely accepted method for transactions. It is the contactless payment method. It requires PIN verification for transfer.

  • Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallet requires internet connectivity. It allows individuals to store money and transfer it digitally. It also allows merchant payment but it is dependent on smartphone and internet connectivity.

Security and Privacy in AEPS: Safeguarding Transactions with Aadhaar

  • Encryption

All transactions are encrypted with security, including with an Aadhaar number and a higher level of security compared to other methods. Support with UIDAI all information in the database is completely stored well and authentically.

  • Authentication

Biometric authentication like fingerprint and iris scan, verify individual transactions. Data is completely unique with biometric links to provide a high standard of security to proceed.

  • Aadhaar Card link

UIDAI manages a completely secure database to provide authentic access. Aadhar card protection leads to develop secured data encryption, storage, and financial access.

AEPS includes all these safeguard procedure access makes security and privacy with best follow steps to monitor financial access.

AEPS Implementation: How Businesses Can Integrate and Offer AEPS Services

Businesses can integrate with AEPS services to take benefit from being small dependent businesses to large independent businesses. AEPS facility is additionally important to businesses in remote areas. Some measures included making self organize business by linking with AEPS  services:

Aaadhar Number

Aadhar card holder can generate their steps towards authentic AEPS implementation in businesses. UIDAI regulates all monetary functions to provide secure data transactions.

Bank Account Link

Partnership with authorized banks offers support and establishes a link that provides AEPS services and necessary support and developed infrastructure for financial transactions. AEPS service provider company provide developed services to link bank account authentically.

Regulatory Measures

Familiar with regulatory guidelines and requirements of the Reserve Bank Of India (RBI) and Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) for AEPS functionality. Operating with a legal frame maintains the standard structure of businesses from all bank AEPS transaction limits.


Jurisdiction and business regulation go hand in hand. You need to obtain licenses to perform with AEPS services. It requires consultation with authorities to develop the necessary documentation

Implement security measures

AEPS transactions occur with a secure network. Banks and financial institutions integrate with AEPS to make secure connectivity with financial transactions.

Businesses can successfully develop with the integration of AEPS services. By following these convenient operations in AEPS Bank will provide growth.

Getting AEPS service directly to the bank becomes hectic when you don’t have strong financial background and documentation. In this case, If you want to start your own AEPS business, you can choose an AEPS software development company. These are the companies that have completed all formalities to get AEPS service APIs to the bank. They integrate that API into software and provide a comprehensive solution for entrepreneurs who are looking to start a business in fintech areas.

Anyone can start an AEPS business as an admin by using AEPS software and can earn the highest AEPS commission by offering basic banking services to agents. For more details, you can visit here.  

AEPS Transactions: Types and Use Cases for Aadhaar-Enabled Payments

By using the Ezulix AePS portal, you can provide all AePS services to your members and can maximize your income. By using AePS software, the admin can provide all the following services-

aeps cash withdrawal
aeps cash deposit
Balance Enquiry

AEPS Cash Withdrawal

The first and most used service is AePS cash withdrawal. A customer whose bank account is linked with an Aadhaar card can withdraw money using the AePS service.

By using 12 digital unique identity numbers, a bank customer can withdraw an amount from the bank account without going bank or ATM. He/she can withdraw money from any bank account using AePS.

AEPS withdrawal limit in a day is 10,000/- rupees. A customer can withdraw it in maximum 5 transactions.

In this withdrawal process, the amount is transferred from the customer’s bank account to the retailer’s AepS wallet and he/she provides cash to the customer. In return, retailers earn the commission that distributes in complete upline.

Cash Deposit

By using our AePS portal, you can provide a cash deposit service to your members and can earn a commission. Earlier we used Aadhaar-based cash deposit system but in the updated AePS admin panel, we are offering a cash deposit service on OTP based system.

AEPS Balance Enquiry

AEPS balance inquiry allows customers to check available account balances. This service is completely free that can help retailers to attract more customers. We can also call it a value-based service.

Mini Statement

We all are very familiar with the mini statement but here we will get it using Aadhaar card. A bank customer can check the last 10 banking transaction reports.

Recently we have updated AePS commission for the mini statement service that you can check out by directly contacting our executive at this number. +91 7230086664

Aadhaar Pay

Although we know by using AePS service, a bank customer can withdraw 10,000/- rupees in a day. But in case if any customer needs more than 10K then what to do?

In this situation, Aadhaar pay helps. By using Aadhaar pay service, a bank customer can withdraw more than 10k rupees in a day.

We provide an Aadhaar pay service at the lowest surcharge in the market.

AEPS Payout

Payout is the process of settlement from the AePS wallet to the bank account. By using Ezulix AePS payout, members can take 24*7 real-time settlement in a bank account.

In AePS payout, members can take settlement in one account and have to pay a little surcharge. Member can settle 2 lac rupees in a day and have to pay 5 rupees surcharge.

Express Payout

By using our express payout service, members can take settlements 24*7 in AePS wallet to their bank account. In the AePS wallet, they can take settlements in one account while in the express wallet, they can take settlements in multiple accounts.

In express payout, members can settle 50K in one shot and have to pay 10 rupees surcharge. Members can also use this service for money transfers and can transfer money at a lower surcharge.

mATM with mPOS Service

We provide you updated mATM machine integrated with mPOS service. This means now your members can take use mATM as well as mPOS in a single device.

The commission structure is the same in mATM like AePS. By using mATM, retailers can accept payments, withdraw payments, and balance inquiries through a debit card like traditional ATMs.

Along with this, now you can also use mPOS features in new mATM machines which can boost your profit.

UPI Collection (UPI POS)

By using UPI collection or UPI PoS service, members can accept payment through QR code and UPI address and can earn a commission. First time in banking, you can earn a commission by accepting payments using a QR code.

By using the UPI collection service, you can accept a maximum of 1000 rupees from one UPI address.

So these are all the AEPS services that you can offer to your members as an admin and can earn a commission.

AEPS for Financial Inclusion: Empowering the Unbanked and Underbanked

AEPS facilitates the direct transfer of money from subsidies provided by the government. It provides financial help to rural people, Adhaar Pay services, reduce cash dependency, and develop digital payment transfer. It plays a significant role in marginalizing sector people who are not developing in modern society. AEPS financial transaction provides help them to take an independent stand to generate their livelihood.

Future of AEPS: Emerging Trends and Innovations in Aadhaar-Enabled Payments

Integration between AEPS and digital platform services, users can access a wider range of transactions. This timely integration develops roots in the development of Indian currency in the market. AEPS balance check and withdrawal, cash transferring, and balance enquiry develop the nation’s rural areas.  It explores future trends with money outflow and includes e-commerce transactions. This beneficial step creates much more future help to develop the nation. AEPS future to make secure and empower India to drive towards a developed nation.


So here we learned what is AEPS service and who is the best AEPS service provider in India. We went through a complete overview of AEPS and its system and how it facilitates businesses as well as users.

Along with AePS, you can add-on utility bill payment, mobile recharge software, money transfer, pan card, travel, and many more b2b services in your portal and can maximize your income anytime.

For more details visit our website or request a free live demo here.

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